Sex Before Marriage. Right or Wrong?

This is an age-old question, and even though we are living in this modern world and claim to be open-minded & educated, and every other thing, yet we hesitate to say it out loud whether it is RIGHT or WRONG? So let me just ask you a few simple questions:
  • When did you lose your Virginity? Before Marriage or After?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • Were you ashamed of losing your virginity too soon (before marriage)?
  • Were/are you proud of saving yourself until marriage?
  • Was the fact that you were still a Virgin until marriage celebrated by your partner? 

Honestly, I don’t think it even matters when do you have Sex. What matters is with whom you do it.

But still, the question remains Unanswered. So let’s just take a moment and think about how the world was before the concept of Marriage? Was the Early Man civilized enough to have sex with the same partner for the rest of his/her life? How the human race came up with this idea of Marriage at all? Who decided that it is only correct to have sex with the person you’re Married to, and it becomes wrong even if you do it with the same person before tying the knot? I mean it should be correct because it is the Same Person (don’t you agree?). But yet it isn’t acceptable by the Society.

Now, according to me, the following could be the reasons why the concept of ‘Sex after Marriage’ was imposed by society:

To prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases

So maybe because condoms weren’t invented back then (or were they?), the people were asked to have sex with a single partner (and marry the same person) to avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

To teach Discipline and Loyalty

Being with a Single partner for the rest of your life was the best way to teach Discipline and Loyalty. In spite of your urge of having sex with someone else, you are supposed to stay loyal to a single partner, this teaches you discipline and self-control for sure.

To avoid Conflicts

I mean two men fighting for a woman or two women fighting over a man would definitely be an ugly visual no matter in which era you are. And just imagine, those two men are very powerful, kings for example, and they brought their respective armies to solve the matter. That will be a war for sure and a lot of innocent people will be affected. Hence, enforcing the concept of marriage, and sex afterward, can be considered a decent solution for this.

To teach Family values and to keep them together

These days, with the help of the DNA test, we can find out who the parents of a child are. But initially, there were no such facilities and it would be really hard to tell who’s the father of the child. Of course, the mother would always know who it is but what if the man denies, what if he doesn’t accept the child, what if he refuses to take the responsibility? And the woman would never be able to prove this because they weren’t married. And everyone would believe that there is a fair possibility that the child could be someone else’s.

But these days we have all the facilities and precautionary measures and everything. So now, based on the present world situation, is it still Wrong to have sex before marriage? And I am NOT talking about meaningless sex or One-night stands, I am talking about the lovemaking process where two people are actually in Love with one another. According to me if you really have feelings for your partner (even if you’re not married) it is NOT Wrong at all to make love to them.

How making Love to someone you Love can be Wrong at all? 

I am not saying that sleeping with multiple partners is acceptable, neither having extra-marital affairs is. Lovemaking is a beautiful process, it unites two different people in more than one ways. But it shouldn’t be bound by the shackles of marriage. Love sets you free, it’s an emotion filled with passion and warmth.

So let me just say it out Loud that it is RIGHT to have SEX with the person you are in love with (before or after marriage). And whether you should wait until marriage or no, is entirely your decision to make.

So spread the LOVE and let’s try to make this world an even better place to live.


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